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 Earn Managed MRR Credit

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Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Partner Account

HubSpot Solutions Partners earn tiers based on the level of success achieved by their clients using the HubSpot platform. The two determining factors for partner tiers are: Sold Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Credit and Managed MRR Credit. 

Managed MRR credit is a measurement of the total HubSpot subscription MRR value that you are actively servicing as a Solutions Partner. It is determined based on the eligible activity within your clients’ HubSpot accounts. As long as you are actively servicing clients in their HubSpot account, you will be awarded managed MRR credit. This credit is converted to managed points that contribute to your Partner tier.

For example, if you are servicing a client that pays USD$1000 a month for their HubSpot subscription, you will earn USD$1000 managed MRR tier credit and thus 10 managed points that contribute towards your partner tier. Review the currency-to-points conversion table here.

You do not need to sell a HubSpot subscription to a customer to be eligible for managed credit while serving them. 

Please note: if two or more partners service the same client account, the Managed MRR credit will be divided evenly amongst the servicing partners.

You must complete all the following steps to earn managed MRR credit for a client's HubSpot account:

Create a user in your partner account.

Assign the client to said user.

Create the same user in the client's account.

Ensure the user performs qualifying activities and is actively engaged in the client's account. 

It is strongly recommended that you have a Partner admin in a client's account in order to easily add and manage partner employee permissions in the client's account. Learn how to add a Partner admin through an access link. 

Qualifying activities are active engagement from the Partner within the client’s account. Each tool has its own set of qualifying activities based on active engagement with that tool. For example, you need to publish a blog post to count as a qualifying activity.

Creating and editing assets are considered active engagement in most tools.

Simply logging into the client account does not count as a qualifying activity.

Earn Managed MRR credit

In your HubSpot account, create a user and set them as a partner employee. All employees can be found in the Employees tab of the Client Access Manager. Employees with a partner employee email domain will have a checkmark beside their email address.


Assign the client to the created employee. The client must be assigned before any partner activities are attributed to Managed MRR credit.

If the partner employee is already a user in the client's HubSpot account and have an email address that matches the partner employee email domain, they will automatically be assigned. You will not need to take further action.

If an employee does not have the partner employee email domain, you must manually link the employee to the client's account for them to receive managed credit for their actions. 

In your HubSpot Partner account, navigate to Partner > Client Access Manager. 

In the Employees tab, hover over the employee you want to associate to a client account and click Actions > Link clients. 

Select a client from the dropdown menu and click Confirm. 

If the partner employee is deactivated in the client's HubSpot account:

In your Partner account, navigate to Partner > Client Access Manager. 

Click the Clients tab and click the name of a client.

Hover over a deactivated employee and click Actions, then select Reactivate user on client. 

Please note: only Partner admins can add or reactivate employees. You can link employees as long as you have access to the Client Access Manager. 

You will receive Managed MRR credit as long as your employees are set up correctly and consistently perform qualifying activities in the client’s account.

Each qualifying activity performed by each employee counts towards Managed MRR credit for 60 days, after which it will expire. 

Once the activities of all partner employees in the client account expire, you will stop receiving Managed MRR credit.

Please note: certain partner tiers have additional requirements for the number of qualifying activities that must be performed in a given timeframe. Read more about those requirements here.

To confirm if you’re receiving Managed MRR credit for your employee’s activity in the client’s account:

In your HubSpot account, navigate to Partner > Dashboard.

Click the Points Breakdown tab.

Use the search bar to search for a specific client.

In the Managed column, you will see both the Managed MRR Credit in the client’s account currency, and the Managed Tier points associated with the client.

Ending the managed client relationship

You will no longer receive Managed MRR credit after ending a managed relationship with a client. Any one of the following actions will immediately end a managed relationship: 

Removing all partner employee from a client's HubSpot account.

Removing all partner employees managing the client from your Partner account. 

Remove all employees from a client's HubSpot account

To remove all partner employees from a client's HubSpot account:

In your Partner account, navigate to Partner > Client Access Manager.

In the Clients tab, click the Access types filter and select all the checkboxes. This ensures you have a list of clients that any of your employees have access to. 

Click the name of the client you want to end the managed relationship with.

Select the checkbox to select all employees. 

Click Remove partner employee. 


In the wizard, review all employees and the assets affected.

Click Confirm removal. 

Doing the following will not immediately end a managed relationship between you and your HubSpot client. The relationship will only end 60 days after the last qualifying partner activity in the client account:

Deactivating all partner employees who manage the client in your partner account. 

Ceasing all partner activity in the client’s account. 

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Earn Managed MRR credit

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